Oli on SIRD and the reason why

The slogan to our mission is “Share The Tradition” (#sharethetradition) and it is a global Movement for drummers. Their Members are extraordinary Personalities, who are devoted to rudimental Drumming and have significantly changed the Art of Drumming in there community.

The SIRD Keyprinciples are: Tradition, Innovation, Educationand Sharing.

Oli Fischer, Chairman of SIRD.

How we do it?

Some key asptects are:

  • Organizing events, forums and workshops insures a regular exchange on an international level.
  • Collecting and research of the origins of our heritage in Rudimental Drumming.
  • Sharing literature and compositions and developing an universal global repertoire.
  • Exploring and innovate new ways of drummer educations.
  • Scouting and developing of young drumming talents globally to insure the future.
  • Hosting a digital forum to ensure communication.
  • Act as a liason between countries, Institutions and universities to connect members globally.

We are only in the beginning. Since the first Symposium in Berne (CH) in 2016 the exchange of drumming and the individual iniatitives, Workshops, visits showing the potential of the members.

SIRD is not only an drum organization, it is a global non profitable Movement to share our Tradition. It is the only forum where experts can exchange and share their ideas and best practices on this high level.

Thatis why we need SIRD.

Oli Fischer, Chairman of SIRD.
O. Fischer in Zurich, Switzerland at Easter 2020.